CAROBINHA - Black Toucan 71g

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0.06 LBS
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  • CAROBINHA - Black Toucan 71g
  • CAROBINHA - Black Toucan 71g


Possui ação adstringente, depurativo, cicatrizante, laxante, amético, diurético e tônico. Benefícios Para que serve Cicatriza ferida na pele, Úrticárias e catapora; Combate prisão de ventre; Combate reumatismo e artrite; Desintoxica o organismo; Combate sífilis e gonorreia; Combate retenção de líquidos.

It has astringent, depurative, healing, laxative, ametic, diuretic and tonic action. Benefits What it's used for Wound scarring on the skin, hives and chickenpox; Combat constipation; Combat rheumatism and arthritis; Detoxifies the body; Combat syphilis and gonorrhea; Fights fluid retention.

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